Youmentbay - Wonderland


After a couple of EPs, everyone's favorite girl on drums/guy on guitar duo Youmentbay has released their first full album Wonderland, including 6 new songs to go with 3 singles released throughout 2020. And, being truly independent, they've proudly done everything themselves, recording, mixing and mastering, and even producing their own music videos.

Last time we talked about Youmentbay there was a bit of uncertainty about them, it seemed that they were not sure of their own talent, but if you listen to any track from Wonderland and compare to their earlier songs, you can clearly tell a difference. They're not hiding any more, the beats are stronger and the words are sung with more conviction. They're also trying to evolve further, employing different rhythms, synth lines and ideas like the vintage strings in "Happy Boy Lucky Girl", the bongos in "1023" and the latin vibes in "Feast." These elements in particular transport you to a more innocent time prior to the pandemic, when we could freely travel to exotic locations in the Pacific or the Caribbean. "Happy Boy Lucky Girl" itself was written as a kind of wedding song, which is bittersweet because although the intention is to celebrate, during the pandemic most people have had to put off weddings and honeymoons to Hawaii and Guam.

The album is structured as a "day in the life", from waking up before dawn to going out, coming home to eat and falling asleep. Except it feels more like a memory of a day out, or a dream of one. While "Take Me" is an long awaited wish to be whisked away to a wonderland, the video is shot in a room with just curtains, no windows or outside scenes, making it feel like it's just out of reach. "Yugure" is a reflection on old memories that inevitably fade away like the sunset, and though you wish it would stop or wait for you to hold on, the days keep marching on. In "Moonlight" they say that at night we are all alone, but the moon watches over all of us together. You can't help but think that COVID-19 might have had an influence on this album, with being together/apart, memories and the passage of time being constant themes throughout.

The crown jewel of the album has to be "Suteki na slow life", a daydream of a song which demonstrates the full breadth of the Youmentbay experience, with conversational flow, wordplay, harmony, soaring guitars, digital and organic drumming. Late in the track, it breaks down into a four to the floor rhythm, then builds into an uptempo rock track and then back to its original form. Though the whole album is a journey, at over 5 minutes this track is an epic adventure in itself.

Influenced by everything from Asian Kung-fu Generation and Blink 182 to Post Malone and Rip Slyme, Youmentbay have a really unique sound and while it's nice that they are independent and in full creative control, it would be a shame if they remained unknown for too long. So do yourself a favor and immerse yourself in the beauty, joy, innocence and melancholy of Youmentbay's Wonderland - it truly is wonderful.

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Listen to Wonderland on Spotify. Youmentbay · Album · 2021 · 9 songs.

Royce Leong